EDEA CICE, Centre for Innovation and Quality in Building, aims at applied research, experimental demonstration, training, development and promotion of renewable energies and energy efficiency in architecture.

Experimental demonstrators

EDEA-CICE includes a set of spaces, buildings and facilities for the study and full-scale experimentation of equipment, products, materials and construction systems proposed by future collaborators, be they companies, universities, institutions or manufacturers.

Facilities room

EDEA-CICE promotes the construction and renovation of buildings with sustainability and energy efficiency criteria, improving the productivity and competitiveness of SMEs and professionals in the sector, as well as the participation of Extremadura in European projects that require cooperation with other European regions.

Training and exhibition room

EDEA-CICE begins its development on the basis of the agreement formalising the specific multi-year transfer in favour of the Consortium for the management of INTROMAC, within the scope of the Directorate General of Architecture of the Regional Ministry of Health and Social Policies of the Regional Government of Extremadura, for the years 2017-2020 (DOE no. 18 of 25 January 2018). This agreement was subsequently renewed for the financial years 2021 to 2024 (DOE no. 92 of 17 May 2021).

Interpretation centre

The EDEA-CICE Center is set up as an interpretation center and offers free guided tours aimed mainly at professionals, companies, researchers and university and vocational students. The itinerary lasts approximately two hours, consisting of a general presentation of the EDEA-CICE and subsequent exterior tour, a visit to the interior of the Experimental Demonstrators, an explanation of the systems installed in the Facilities Campaign, and a visit to the Solar Deck and demonstration of the System of Monitoring and Control.